Monday, April 28, 2014

New Media

A new type of media that has not yet existed before, I would say it could be a social site that connects all college students in all level.  It may sound like Facebook, but it is exclusively for college students to communicate and exchange advice, notes, and even past exams of a course.  For example, student A studies at Baurch college who is currently taking ACC101 can also gather notes from student B who studies at an out of state university.  The site can also conduct different social events with near colleges, and meet with students outside of their own colleges.  It can be use for social purpose so as job searching.  Through networking from different schools, students can also discover career opportunity from peers in other schools.  I believe it could be great idea to connect all students from different schools.  

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

P2P File sharing vs Bank Lending

According to the article, " Peers find less pressure borrowing From Each other" regarding P2P file sharing system, "It's really one of the few large markets that has not been fully transformed by the Internet, so we believe we can become the mainstream alternative to the banking system,". P2P file sharing allows users to access to media files such as a books, games, and bank lending.  In which, the P2P industry believes the progression of P2P file sharing would gradually replace our banking system.  It mentions in the article that the amount of P2P file sharing for bank lending is somehow comparable to borrowing from three community banks.  Therefore, we are no longer need to lend from banks.  Instead, we use P2P file sharing software to achieve this goal.  Some examples of P2P file sharing software are Adagio, Sharelin, and Quazaa.  The general idea of file sharing is simply by means transmitting files from a computer to another over a network or the internet. 

Wiki Contribution

Writing class wiki has certainly enhanced my research and analytic skills.  I have tried to be creative to come up with different ideas when it comes to reading an article.  I have learned to analyze different ideas and consolidate those into my own.  In order to stay on top of most updated news and trends, I have tried to subscribe to online news to help myself with reading.  I believe when it comes to writing a class wiki, it should so much easier to read different sources and formulate thoughts to share with the class.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Privacy and Confidentiality Related to New Media

The issues related to privacy and confidentiality to New Media has became a serious issue in the digital world.  Employess must have checked their Facebook pictures if they are appropriate to post online.  Some employers are sitting around and looking at these contents.  I believe it is very crucial to have all these pictures checked before posting on Facebook, because you certainly do not want your manager to see those inappropriate contents and question your professionism.  Users should have all check their privacy settings.  I have heard some cases employees are fired because the manager saw there were many inappropriate picutres on Facebook which will affect the organization's reputation and so on.  Therefore, privacy control is very important in presenting oneselfs in the career field.    

Suggestion on Using Social Media

If I were hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the college, I would say developing a phone app would be a great idea.  Although, I have known the college has already had one that is available, but the contents are really outdated.  Everyone pretty much carries around a smart phone nowdays, it has became a necessity in their lives.  Therefore, I personally think the school should have taken advantages of it.  It provides students the latest information regarding school, and drives school spirit by notifying students to attend various events.  I think once the school has made a good used of the app, it will somehow lead to a fun school environment for our fellow Baruch students.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I like to see things that show creativity and fun.  I like to watch videos and see pictures that are interesting and funny in a way of providing people some laughter during the day.  I found some creativity in this picture .  It is basically the combination of my favor two things which is food and dogs.  Here is a creative picture.

Media Creativity

According to "The New Math of Mashups from The New Yorker Magazine 2005". Disney characters are turned into rap stars and made into music videos with the song ''Crank That'' by Soulja Boy.  The act is known as mash up.  Through out these years, people have been making and uploading parody videos online regarding any pop songs or traditional cartoon characters like Winnie the pooh and Micky mouse.  I believe this contemporary phenomenon is very interesting because it pretty much provides an brand new image and way to let the public to know the characters again.  I believe it does not brash off those Disney characters' traditional images on everyone's mind, but it shows creativity as in making something original and simple into something anyone has never experienced before.  I personally would like to see more of these videos online because it is a brand new concept and brings joy to peoples' lives.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Virtual World

There are many ways these virtual worlds can be used in reality.  According to "Going to the virtual office in Second Life'' by Mark Tutton.  Companies have gradually moved in office conference to an extent having virtual meetings on their own computer networks.  Companies like IBM sells its virtual world tool for businesses to better facilitate online and 3D conferences.  I personally believe in the potential advancement of this technology.  Employees nowadays do not have to relocate to another office location for specific meetings and events.  Having the use of the tool can sufficiently save time and efficiently fasten business processes.  The website called ''The Lower East Side (VLES) ''shows another revolutionary landscape to virtual world technology.  Users do not merely meet new people by sending a message to each other, but by mimicking reality in 3D and sharing musics and interests with others.  It is totally a good way to find people who share similar interests and make friends in virtual reality.  I also believe the trend of using virtual world would last and advanced.  It will definitely ease peoples' lives in daily basis without leaving their homes.      

Sunday, March 9, 2014

How does a Twitter discussion compare to a BlackBoard Discussion? To an in-class discussion?

I think using Twitter for class discussion is faster and more fun compared to BlackBoard.  When it comes to Twitter typing things can be free and instant.  Unlike BlackBoard, which requires more steps to first create a thread and share a message.  I personally prefer Twitter because it is closer to the public, and latest trend and news adds variety and creative in things we write.

Social Networking Sites

There are different types of social networking sites that fit peoples' needs and preferences.  The first impression I had when I first used Facebook is its strong connectivity for linking everything together.  The newsfeed on its homepage provides everything you will need to know about friends' activities.  On the right side, you will have the most updated trend and news whereas on the left side, there are joined groups and available friends online you can chat with.  I believe it says a lot just in one page.  I also think Facebook did a really good job in fitting so many things in one page for its newsfeed.  The impression I had for Twitter and Myspace is somehow similar.  I believe its main function is for writing blogs unlike Facebook which is more personable.

I also think Linkedin is another great social networking site when it comes to professionalism.  From a recruiter point of view, whenever I view a candidate's profile, it also tells everything I will need to know about the candidate regarding past experience, school, and mostly importantly career interest.  I personally recommend Linkedin because it is great site to use especially for college students who are eager to learn and expose to professional activities.  

Monday, March 3, 2014

The benefits and down side of technology

According to '' Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting '' by Frank Langfitt.  It is easier nowadays for job seekers to assess to various job openings through the help of Linkedin.  The website frequently has many recruiters known as ''head hunter'' finding different talents after they have viewed candidates' credentials.  Moreover, the recruiters can also have viewed your profile and decided to conduct an in-person interview.  Therefore, the existence of websites like Linkedin has gradually changed the way people find jobs, and also how one person interacts with another on a professional basis.  However, there can also be some downsides in terms of online privacy.  According to an article '' Facebook privacy is so confusing even the Zuckerberg family Photo isn't private''. by Rebecca Greenfield.  The article states one member of the Zuckerberg families posted a photo regarding holiday celebration online, and was later commented by an unknown web-surfer.  The privacy control on Facebook is so confused that even one of the Zuckerberg family don't know how to use it.  Therefore, privacy control is another contemporary issue now days that companies like Facebook and Twitter has focus on.  I also believe as users are feeling uncomfortable and insecure when they post photos of themselves online, it can lead to a serious problem on users's sanctification and the continuity of using the site.                

Monday, February 24, 2014

Blog vs. Wiki

Posting ones new ideas and preference about things we experienced in a daily basis can now be shared on a platform called the internet.  Bloggers can share their point of views on items they purchased or matters regarding relationship, work, and school.  Commenting on ones opinion had been a new way to connect with individuals with similar interests.  According to an article ''Wal-Mart Testmakers Write Unfiltered Blogs'' by Micheal Barbaro.  It says ''Instead of relying on polished high-level executives, it is written by little-known buyers, largely without editing''.  Customers post a review on products they purchased from Wal-Mart.  Comments are easier to comprehend by public and is also straight to a point on discussing the pros and cons of the products.

In comparison of blog, Wiki contents are nowadays more restricted by its site managers.  According to ''Wikipedia to Limit Changes to Articles on People'' by Noam Cohen.  It mentions ''The new feature, called “flagged revisions,” will require that an experienced volunteer editor for Wikipedia sign off on any change made by the public before it can go live. Until the change is approved''.  It is a sign that Wikipedia does not want to provide any false information to its readers.  Therefore, some contents are reviewed and inspected before published.  I believe Wiki can provide a customized forum for individuals to discuss about the contents of the website.  Instead of merely giving out facts, people can also interact with one another select what they wish to know.   

Monday, February 10, 2014

Project Proposal Description

The title of my term project proposal is called "The impacts of social media on our lives in a daily basis".  I would like to research about contemporary social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin, and more.  My purpose is to discover how it has gradually changed the way people used to interact with one another.  I also like to discuss how social media like Linkedin has became a significant role in helping the job seekers to sense the newest job postings and where to connect with professionals who share similar career interest.  I would also like to point out several phenomenons how people treat social media like Facebook or Twitter as a way to express their characters.