Monday, April 28, 2014

New Media

A new type of media that has not yet existed before, I would say it could be a social site that connects all college students in all level.  It may sound like Facebook, but it is exclusively for college students to communicate and exchange advice, notes, and even past exams of a course.  For example, student A studies at Baurch college who is currently taking ACC101 can also gather notes from student B who studies at an out of state university.  The site can also conduct different social events with near colleges, and meet with students outside of their own colleges.  It can be use for social purpose so as job searching.  Through networking from different schools, students can also discover career opportunity from peers in other schools.  I believe it could be great idea to connect all students from different schools.  


  1. This is a great idea !! It is simple and practical, I believe that this idea can be brought to reality right now. It doesn't seem hard to start and it would be a huge hit considering there are hundreds of thousands of college students.

  2. Your idea would be very useful for college students! Students spend years in college, and some even go back to school for the purpose of learning more. By being able to connect with other students and schools, there will definitely be more learning and career opportunities that might not have been found without your social site idea.
